When You See It Funny Pics
You know those images that look completely normal, but then somewhat says "look in that corner there" and you do a double take? That's what we're talking about here today. This article is all about those "when you see it" images that turn seemingly mundane scenes into something creepy or something funny. If your observation skills aren't the best, don't worry: we'll help you spot the thing that makes each image special!
Bush League Camo
These four guys are all in costumes, as you can plainly see. And yes, we do mean four. While three of them stand out in their garish, colorful attire, one man is testing the limits of his stealth skills. If you don't see him yet, focus on that foliage on the right.

Sure, in hindsight a human sized rectangle of foliage is a little suspicious, but we're willing to bet that most people didn't notice him right away!
One "Tired" Cat
You may not understand our terrible joke just yet, but take a look at the wheels of the car in this photo and you will soon be shaking your head at our pun. But c'mon, it had to be done. The setup was just far too easy! You all would have done the same.

Either way, whoever owns that car had better double check every time they want to drive, lest something bad happen to that poor cat.
True Comedic Dedication
People can go to great lengths just to make a joke. They can do things that honestly seem like they'd be pretty uncomfortable, just to laugh to themselves about it. To see what we mean, simply take a look at the woman on the far right, and look down a bit…

We hope that guy is doing something to offset the weight of his whole family. Surely he has to be in order to pull this off in any comfort at all.
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Apparently, people like bringing pets to class. However, this time a dog is not the odd man out. In the middle of this photo, and little towards the bottom right, you'll see exactly what we mean. We have many questions as to why a lamb is in school.

Is it an emotional support animal? Or is she watching it for someone else? Is it the class pet? We have a ton of questions, but absolutely no answers.
Christmas Stealth
We're not sure how exactly the individual here is pulling this off, because honestly, have you ever tried to fit inside of a Christmas tree? There's really not a whole lot of room there. However, we're not going to say it's completely impossible.

If you haven't caught our drift yet, there's an anomaly in the Christmas tree in this picture. Honestly, it's not that hard to see.
Garage Ninja
A garage full of stuff, the perfect hiding place for someone trying to make a funny "Where's Waldo" type image. If you look hard enough, you'll see him just barely peeking back at you from somewhere near the middle of the image. He looks pretty amused with himself.

Really, how many people just look at a bunch of stuff and say, "yeah, this will be a great place to hide, that will be cool!" A lot of people, apparently.
It's Opposite Day
OK, so you don't actually have to try too hard to see what's wrong with this picture. In fact, it's kind of in plain sight, which makes the whole ordeal even more disconcerting. In case you don't notice right away, we'll spell it out for you.

The dog is in a baby stroller, while the kid's are on a leash. Is this what our society has come to these days? Maybe we should back up a little bit.
Photo Prom
Prom night should be a night full of fun and a chance to share some final memories with your high school friends that will last a lifetime. However, there are some memories that people wish they could forget from prom night.

This appears to be a fine example. While these two friends thought they were taking an innocent selfie, they were left horrified when they looked at the photo the following day, only to find a creepy guy lurking in the corner.
The Presence of a Third
Unnecessary Photoshop crops up in all sorts of images for some reason. Can you spot the instance we're referring to in this image? It has something to do with the one man in the picture having three of something he shouldn't. He's got an arm at his side, but also on the shoulder of the woman.

So yeah, he's got three arms, because someone didn't do a very good job shopping this image together. Why did they bother anyway?
Hiding Out
If you know there's something up with a picture and just can't tell what it is at first, it always pays to look around the happy couple, usually for someone just barely showing their face in a kind of creepy manner. Look between these two and you'll see what we mean.

Why do people do this anyway? Well, maybe it's just a way to have a little bit of fun when you're actually kind of bored. It happens sometimes.
Check it Out
As always, the enemy of a good picture is the mirror. Never trust mirrors, as they will always steer you wrong. That's just how they roll. Take a look in this mirror and your attention will be grabbed by a subject the woman clearly did not intend.

Also, this is why you should close your toilet lid and shut your bathroom door if you have a mildly tall dog. No one wants this kind of thing.
The Perfect Hiding Spot
Believe it or not, there's a cat in this picture. It just happens to be the exact same color as this pile of logs. He's really hard to see, so look at the top of the center pile to make your life a little easier. If somebody hadn't told us about it, we'd probably never notice!

Perhaps one of the ways cats try to avoid being bothered is just by hiding in super hard-to-notice spots like this. It definitely works if you can't even see them!
Upper Floor Surveillance
There's something off about this picture, in more ways than one. First of all, you may notice something a bit odd in the window, if you look carefully enough. Second, what on Earth is it? A horse? a Great Dane? Honestly, we can't tell. Either way, what a sight.

How do people even fit animals that large into living spaces? We don't really have an answer to that, but there's probably some way to make it happen.
No One Here Beside Me
A great, happy dance in which everyone has a partner… except for one guy, whose only dance partner is himself. Just looking at him makes us feel lonely. We probably don't need to explicitly point him out to you, as he is kind of obvious.

The fact that he's this easy to notice honestly makes us feel kind of bad. But, it is what it is. Keep dancing, lonely soul. We're rooting for you.
Someone Save Me
There's one person in this picture is very happy, having a grand old time. Another person in this in this picture is the exact opposite, being in a situation that is not at all good for them. Then again, since they're a child they probably put themselves into that position of their own accord.

If you don't see it, there's a kid in the frozen section in the back. And we mean in the frozen section quite literally. He's actually probably enjoying himself.
A Big Problem
We're really hoping this picture exists only because kids like to play in weird places, and not because the family in this photo thought it would be funny to shove their kids into a dog cage. That seems about right to us, because surely such a nice family wouldn't do that.

Or so we hope, of course. We're not psychic or anything, but for our own piece of mind, that's our story and we are sticking to it.
Ruined Elegance
Ah, the elegant wet hair swish that only the long-haired can do. Yes, a very beautiful picture. Wait, what's that going on in the back? Is that woman doing what we think she is? Yes, she is in fact ruining the picture with her most uncouth behavior.

We'll give her a pass since she probably didn't know that someone was behind her, but even so, what an unfortunate turn of events.
Panda Peeker
You may doubt us at first, but there's actually a panda in this picture. No really, there is! In a manner of speaking, at any rate… if you can't find it right away, follow our typical advice and look in the mirror, where things are always afoot.

We don't know the story behind this picture, but since nobody hates pandas, we're sure it's something good in general. He looks content at any rate.
Enter the Void
We talk about cats and camouflage a lot in this article. But we have to, because they are truly amazing at it! Just look at this photo: there's a cat in this image, we swear. As a hint, it's a black cat, blending in super well with its surroundings.

If you still can't see it, it's literally sitting right in front of the TV, being practically invisible. It's hard to see, but it is there!
Spider Sense
As you may have guessed from the title, there's a hidden spider in this image. But can you tell where it is? Here's your hint: it's brown, and there's only a bit of brown in this image in which it could be blending in. That's right, the spider is in that woman's hair.

Why she is allowing that to happen, we have no idea. Some people just aren't as squeamish around spiders as others are. That's not us though, rest assured.
Selfie Priority
Here's another pretty easy one for you, as the surprise is front and center for everyone to see. In this happy moment where everyone else is congratulating the couple, the one guy with the phone is being taking a picture of himself.

Of course, maybe he doesn't actually have anything to do with what's going on, which is why he doesn't seem too terribly invested. We have no idea.
Take Your Pick
Yes, there are some dogs in this image that demand attention, but there's also another young soul in a cage of sorts, they just aren't as easily noticed. Why there's a baby in the back of this store, we're not exactly sure. However, we do know that a lot of people would choose the dogs.

We don't necessarily blame them, as dogs are cute and all, and that kid almost certainly belongs to someone else as it is. Well, certainly, for sure.
Flip it Away
It shouldn't take particularly long for anyone to determine what exactly is wrong here. After all, it's made pretty obvious: the laptop is totally flipped, in a way that it isn't supposed to be. Apparently, the reason this happened is because they would have had to censor the logo anyway.

On top of that, apparently the cost of censoring even that little is pretty high. We had no idea it cost that much just to blur some pixels.
Quite a Fall
Sure, there's already something weird going on in this picture. But take a look at the rear and you'll see something else that is unfortunately befalling a poor soul. We feel kind of bad, since it doesn't seem like anyone really cares.

Well, to be fair, she hasn't actually fallen yet, so once she actually hits the ground, perhaps someone would actually care to check on her.
The Ace Student
Here we have a picture of many college students bored out of their minds. Nothing special to see here, right? Well, direct your attention to the middle of the photo, and just a little to the right. Who's a good student? He is, yes he is!

Frankly, that dog looks like he's paying more attention to the lesson than most of the actual students are. He'll probably ace the test.
One Unfortunate Reflection
As we've said, reflections don't do people any favors. In this case, a reflection made this man look like he lost control of his bladder, when no such thing happened. We're not sure what was actually causing such a reflection, but that is apparently the official story.

We imagine a whole bunch of students laughed about it before anyone had a chance to clear things up though. That's rough, buddy.
Cute Cats at the Pool
Yeah yeah, there's a bunch of cute cats here, but how many do you think there are? If you said four, you would be mistaken, as there are actually five. We'll let you look for the hidden one for a bit, but if you just want to see it right away, it's hanging out near the furniture.

Our bigger question is what type of cats these are and where they all came from. Why are there so many anyway? Does the person taking the picture actually own all of them?
A Mirror Mishap
Many "now you see it" photos involve a mirror, because the person in the photo didn't realize it would mess things up. As you may have surmised already, this is one of those photos. This guy looks all classy and whatnot at first, but a quick glance in the mirror…

Yeah, then we have a problem. If you have mirrors around and you are going to take a photo, it probably pays to be fully dressed at all times.
I See You
He sees you, but do you see him? If you look long enough, you probably will. After all, he's hiding in plain sight, just being a creeper. You know how it is. We just hope this is actually planned, because if he is doing this to a stranger, that's a little odd.

Or is it even funnier if it's a stranger? We'll let each person make their own decision in that regard. For us though, it is a little weird.
Peekaboo, He Sees You
What's going on in this picture? Well, some guys probably thought it would be funny to make an image that looked normal at first, then surprised people when they looked afterward. That is kind of the point of this article, after all.

There's a guy peeking over the hood of this vehicle, as you can see. He's not actually hidden super well, but the image fits since you may not notice immediately.
Deadly Beauty
The secret in this image isn't quite so hard to notice as some of its compatriots, but here it is anyway. At first, everything appears to be fine here: it's just a bee and some flowers. However, a closer look reveals something much more sinister.

Spiders aren't limited to obvious webs and the corners of rooms. They too know how to work some camouflage in their favor.
One Cat in the Cold
There are a great many images with cats in this article, for reasons beyond our comprehension. Maybe they're just really good at being subtle, at being places without anyone noticing that they're actually there. As you may have guessed, there's a cat in this picture too.

If you're lost, just look at the foot of the door in this picture. Poor thing looks like it really wants in, but the person in question decided to take a picture instead.
Return of the Blair Witch?
There have been plenty of horror movies that have come out over the years that appear to have been filmed first-person and through one camcorder. Usually, this is to create a realistic environment and make those jump scares even scarier.

The following image looks like a screenshot from one of those movies. What appears to look like a creepy hallway, gets even creepier when you look over to the door on the left…
The Illustrious Tree Man
What you see standing there on the road is in fact, not a tree. What is it? Well, it's actually Tree Man! Why does he choose to pretend to be a tree? We're not exactly sure but he does probably force a bunch of people to do a double take.

That might be a little dangerous for drivers though. They probably shouldn't be distracted by weird people dressing up on the side of the road.
Ignition Not Required
All seems normal here until you look just a little closer. There are keys stuck in the door of that car. This raises many questions. Are they the keys to the car? If so, how is it driving? Are they entirely different keys never meant to go in that keyhole?

The latter actually seems likely: the driver may be on their way to a locksmith to solve their little problem there.
The Illusory Wall
Look at this wall. Do you see a rock in a crack? Yeah, you and everyone else. However, this is not actually a rock in a crack. It's a cigar. Don't believe us? Just take a closer look. You'll see it eventually, if you just give it enough attention.

We're actually surprised that someone spent enough time getting the perfect angle to make this visual illusion work. But hey, it does work really well!
A New Survival Strategy
When one considers how a giraffe survives in the wild, it usually just has to do with how tall they are. As you may have guessed, there's a giraffe in this picture, blending in quite well with its surroundings. Check the right side if you're having trouble.

We're pretty certain giraffe spots aren't actually meant for this, but then again, we aren't experts on the species. Maybe it is a type of camo?
The Case of the Suitcase
Nothing to see here, just some guys strolling along what appears to be a campus. Upon closer inspection though, there's a dude sticking out of the suitcase they are carrying around. They were probably doing a bit, like college students often do.

It probably looked extremely weird to anyone that was just hanging around campus though. After all, someone had to take this picture, didn't they?
Steve, You Traitor!
There's actually a couple of things out of place in this image. However, it's not the typo on the big screen that says graduated instead of graduates. No, take a closer look at the computer hiding behind the Microsoft sign. That's right, it's an Apple product.

Steve, how can you try and sell people Microsoft products when you don't even use them? You've got a lot of explaining to do!
Never Gonna Give You Up
At first glance, this image appears to just be a bunch of books. However, that's only the case for the untrained eye. Take a look at the book titles of the stack on the left, and you'll find an all too familiar internet meme staring back at you.

Kudos, random bookstore employee with too much time on their hands. Even away from screens, we can't escape the charisma of Rick Astley.
Pale as a Ghost
If you look really closely, you'll actually find that there's a woman on this beach blending in really well with the sand. However, considering how pale she is, she definitely won't be blending in for long. After about thirty minutes she'll be as red as lobster.

Someone should really wake her up and tell her that this won't end well, but at the end of the day, it's unlikely that anyone will.
A Honorary Member
Ah, yes, a list of ways one can celebrate Black History Month. Surely nothing could be wrong here? Or is the presence of Eminem, on the far right, an issue? We don't know if it's just a mistake or if the rapper has an honorary position.

It's funny to think about, one way or another. Maybe someone felt like it was still in the spirit of the celebration regardless?
An Amusing Accident
We're pretty certain these women didn't plan this situation, but we're glad that it ended up happening regardless. After all, when you look at their shirts, the end result is pretty darn funny! Also a little inappropriate, but still funny.

It's just a coincidence that things turned out the way they did. Then again, that's actually how a lot of these pictures come to be.
Hidden Death
Trying to spot a sniper in an image is a classic game of "can you see it?" So, can you see the hidden sniper in this image? The hint is that his camo is actually darker than his surroundings. If you still can't see him, he's to the right of the large boulder in the center.

Of course, it's a good thing that snipers are able to hide this well, since that is kind of a major part of their job, which they couldn't do all that well otherwise.
One Weird Man
We flat out just don't know what to say about this guy. After all, he's just weird. The longer you look at him, the weirder you'll realize he is. He's got a coin in his ear for some reason, and he's wearing glasses meant for 3D movies.

Why he has both of those things about him, we're not sure. Maybe he just felt like being a little weird that day. It could have been anything.
Source: https://ninjajournalist.com/entertainment/when-see-photos-tw/
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